start here

this is only the beginning

Token Engineering is an emerging discipline and the pattern of practice is still emerging. The TE Consilience Library is a crowdsourced, curated database of knowledge under the Venn diagram of disciplines related to crypto economic systems engineering.

We believe in the value of the wisdom of the crowd and the contextuality of perspective. For this reason, this first iteration of our library is sourced by subject matter experts, our seed curators. They collect articles relevant to an area of the crypto-economic flower, that they feel will enrich our understanding of the topic.

by Shermin Voshmgir and Michael Zargham from Foundations of Cryptoeconomic Systems

Read more about our library manifesto here.

We recommend learning from resources from all areas of the crypto-economic flower in order to gain knowledge from multiple perspectives.

Learn together

In order to make your learning experience easier and more fun, you can form learning groups to help each other become more successful. Within these learning groups, you can:

  • help answer each others’ questions and help each other get unstuck

  • share research and learnings with each other

  • give each other feedback on your projects

You group will also be paired with a practicing Token Engineer as an advisor who can help you by answering questions, clarifying excerpts from the resources, give you feedback and share learnings from their experience as a Token Engineer.

Form groups here.

Join a Learning Group

How to contribute

There are many ways you can contribute to this library and help others learn. You do not have to be a subject matter expert in order to contribute. You can choose a manner of contributing that best suits your gifts, interests and availability.

Read more about how to contribute to the library here.

More ways to learn

To complement your learning journey within the TE Consilience Library, we have created a calendar full of events where you have more opportunities to learn from all the communities collaborating on building the emerging practice of Token Engineering.

Find the calendar here.

There are also more learning opportunities from the initiatives of the Token Engineering communities that you can take advantage of here.
